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Organic Agriculture – Sairadhya


AGROWPLUS™ is most advanced organic based innovation which is 100% organic crop growth promoter for improving the vegetative growth of the crop at initial stage with optimum quality and quantity of healthy plant population.
Crops: Its recommended for all crops like field crops, vegetable crops, ornamental crops and other horticultural crops. It can be used for annual (seasonal) crops, perennial crops, biennial crops and long duration crops.
  • Works for all crops, in all seasons, in all soil conditions.
  • Increases the soil fertility (Organic Carbon macro & micro nutrients).
  • Functions as soil nutrient conditioner.
  • Removes chemical residues from the soil gradually.
  • Increases beneficial micro flora like Azatobacter, Azospirillum, Mycorrhiza, Rhizobium, Posphotobacter etc… in the soil.
  • Decreases the quantity of NPK in the crop cycle.
  • Invigorates crop growth in early stages and helps in developing early immunity.
  • Crop by crop application will reduce the fertilizers (NPK) quantity and investment on those fertilizers. So, lowering the investment & increasing the income.


1. For 1 Acre crop, dissolve 100gm of AgrowplusTM in 200 Liters of fresh water (add 1 Liter of fresh cow urine for better results) and do foliar spray after 4' O clock in the evening.
2. Make sure that, should not apply any other chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides before 3 days and after 3 days of AgrowplusTM application.

Types of Crops

• For 45 days Crops - Leafy vegetables.
• For 2 months to 6 months Crops-Vegetable crops, Rice, Wheat, Groundnut, Redgram,Soybean, Cotton, flower crops etc.
• For 6 months to 1 year Crops–Ginger, Sugarcane, Turmeric, etc…
• For Tree Crops - Mango, Citrus, Coconut, Guava, Pineapple, Pomegranate, Papaya, Orange, Palm oil and Teak etc.
• For garden vegetable and flower crops.

Method of Application

AgrowplusTM is applied after 10 days of germination
AgrowplusTM is applied after 15 days to 25 days from germination or transplantation of crop.
AgrowplusTM is applied after 30 days to 45 days from germination or transplantation of crop.
AgrowplusTM is applied after 30 days to 50 days from transplantation or sowing of plant.
AgrowplusTM is applied based on crop duration mentioned as above at 1 litre at each plant.
NOTE: The yield result depends on organic and biologicals development in soil with cultivation practices, sufficient nutrients, and environmental conditions.


MOREYIELD™ is most advanced organic based innovation which is 100% organic crop flowering & yield promoter for improving the final yield of the crop with optimum quality and quantity of healthy crop produce. Crops: Its recommended for all crops like field crops, vegetable crops, ornamental crops and other horticultural crops. It can be used for annual (seasonal) crops, perennial crops, biennial crops and long duration crops.
  • Works for all crops, in all seasons, in all soil conditions.
  • Increases the soil fertility (Organic Carbon, macro & micro nutrients).
  • Functions as soil nutrient conditioner.
  • Removes chemical residues from the soil gradually.
  • It improves the flowering and reduces the dropping of the flowers.
  • It improves the final yield quantity.
  • It improves the quality of final produce in terms of size, shape, colour and taste.
  • It enhances the keeping quality of final produce comparatively with chemical cultivated produce.
  • More yield results in more income to customer


1. For 1 Acre crop, dissolve 100gm of MoreyieldTM in 200 Liters of fresh water (add 1 Liter of fresh cow urine for better results) do foliar spray after 4’O clock in the evening.
2. Make sure that, should not apply any other chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides before 3 days and fter 3 days of MoreyieldTM application.

Types of Crops

• For 45 days Crops - Leafy vegetables.
• For 2 months to 6 months Crops-Vegetable crops, Rice, Wheat, Groundnut, Red gram,Soybean, Cotton, flower crops etc.
• For 6 months to 1 year Crops – Ginger, Sugarcane, Turmeric, etc…
• For Tree Crops - Mango, Citrus, Coconut, Guava, Pineapple, Pomegranate, Papaya, Orange, Palm oil and Teak etc.
• For garden vegetable and flower crops.

Method of Application

MoreyieldTM is applied after 10 days of AgrowplusTM applied (or) 20 days after sowing seeds.
MoreyieldTM is applied after 15 -25 days of AgrowplusTMapplied (or) just before flowering started.
MoreyieldTM is applied after 30 -45 days of AgrowplusTM applied (or) just before flowering started.
MoreyieldTM is applied just before flowering started.
MoreyieldTM is applied based on crop duration mentioned as above at 1 litre at each plant after AgrowplusTM application just before flowering.

NOTE: The yield result depends on organic and biologicals development in soil with cultivation practices, sufficient nutrients, and environmental conditions.


VIGORPLUS ™ is most advanced organic based innovation which is 100% organic seedling growth promoters for improving the vigour of the initial seedlings or nursery with optimum quality and quantity of healthy plant population.
Crops: Its recommended for all nursery raising crops. {Paddy, Wheat, Sugarcane, Tomato, Pepper, Capsicum, Brinjal, Marigold and other Ornamental & Horticultural crops}
  • It acts as a biofungicide and biopesticide to protect from all fungal infections like wilt, damping off, root rot, collar rot, sheath blight etc and soil pest infections.
  • It boosts the initial sprouting of seeds and germination counts.
  • It increases the growth of root system which is important part of the plant to supply all necessary nutrients to plant.
  • It enables the easy and fast assimilation of micro and macro nutrients by the efficient root system there by enhancing the plant or crop healthy growth.
  • It helps in decreasing the nursery time, improving the overall output for nursery growing businessmen.
Application: Foliar or Drip Irrigation; at 20 gm per seedlings of 1 Acre crop. Mix 20gm of the product in 20 Litre water and spray or drip to seedlings of 1 Acre crop.